“It’s been painful, to see the people, that you love, to be attacked, when you know it’s not fair or true" Sometimes, we lose the most important things in our lives and there's nothing that we can do about it. It's like you achieved something, that you know, won’t last forever but you hold that thing close to your heart like it's a substitute to your life, but then one day you get up, to see, walk that thing going away, life’s not that simple, isn’t it ? And the day u gonna lose that thing which you loved the most, that you have treasured for a long time, that you took care of, that would take you to an ending situation, where you won’t have any option, any choice left to make, you will have to lose it and you will have to live your life without it . And that time will come when you will actually lose it and you will feel like it’s the end of the world and you can't live without that thing and you always loved that since you saw it for the first time....