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Dear, let tonight be different. Let's not part our ways at dusk; accompany me to my place tonight. Tonight, let me be with you rather than your memories. “Possibilities are infinite”- they say. Tonight let's choose the one in which our worlds get entwined.

Tonight, step closer, break all the rules and restrictions we are chained with. For a few moments, forget about the society which awaits to attack us with a myriad of questions on ethics and morals in the upcoming morning. Darling, tonight stay with me, behind bolted doors in a dimly lit room. Stay, the way I always wanted you to, in my fancy dreams.

Tonight, look right into my eyes till I feel your intense stare piercing through me. Without blinking even for a fraction of a second, let your constant gaze break the fake facade I wear into a million pieces. Look as if you can see the real me, through the mask I never took off because of the fear of being judged. Dear, tonight look as if you can see a whole of the universe swirling in my button like brown eyes.

Tonight, breathe very close to my face. Let me feel its warmth as I close my eyes and get lost in a heavenly pleasure. Wrap me in your arms and rescue me, as if I am like a flickering candle about to douse.

Bring your ear close to my heart; hear my heartbeats as if it was a part of a mellifluous crescendo. Explore me, experiment with me, and let me strike the different cords as if you are the string of my favorite guitar. Darling, tonight trace the deep scars etched on my body and soul, healing them with your divine touch.

Tonight, I want it to be memorable. Let it be loud and pronounced this night rather than leaving it unsaid like every other night. Tell me that I am the one you have been searching for all your life. Tell me that I look beautiful despite all the flaws I have. Tell me that I resemble home in far off foreign land. Dear, tonight tell me that you love me. Tonight, just do it. Do it, even if it is a big lie!

Tonight, let yourself fall for me, hold my hands and rise with me.

Dear readers, keep reading, keep sharing...
©Vanza Vishal


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